
March 1, 2010

I  have been looking at different stop-motion videos while waiting to get my paycheck…..

I came across one that i found and liked,

So little time…

February 24, 2010

I wish I could have more time in the day, between working on history genealogies and my ceramics projects breaking, not to mention the contemporary art assignment, were is the time to buy Legos for my movie??


So far I have the idea and the tools but no actors, so to speak…

Starships aren’t built in a day ya know.

Luxury Tax

February 17, 2010

Graffiti art may not be the best way about showing off but it does have it’s moments…

This is a single panel of the sidewalk in a Chicago neighborhood that has been redone into luxurious single family homes.

Ideas… The mental roadblock

February 10, 2010

Trying to come up with ideas to use for a stop-motion piece.      =/

Nothing seems to come to mind yet……

Hello there!

February 2, 2010

Hello, I made this blog for my creativity and the internet class and I hope to be able to share some of my ideas and projects as I go about working on them.